The Bloom Wiki
Tainted Coil Symbol

The Transformed is a term that has been applied to those who have been exposed to Bloom energy but, for reasons unknown, have not Ascended. In general, however, they have been granted some degree of power by the experience. 

This energy release has also been experienced from being in the vicinity of a Glyph that is moved.

It also seems possible (although this may have been a unique occurrence caused by a power gifted to a Transformed) that a Transformed may be artificially created, such as in the case of the Mammoth Clan in Tiksi.

This may possibly suggest how Lucas Cascar gained his power by consuming raw Essence


Believed to be those who have responded positively to the exposure; often gifted enhanced vitality.

Most of  the people on Samoa are touched. (At least those on the Norther Island)


Believed to be those who have responded negatively to the exposure; such as in the case of the Zombie outbreaks of North America.


It is known that Carnegie Mellon have been actively recruiting Touched and quite a large number of them.
